

1935 61-001 streamlined 2-cylinder 4-6-4
designed to pull the Henschel-Wegmann train



Panorama coach of the Henschel-Wegmann train



1937 61-002 streamlined 3-cylinder 4-6-6
designed to pull the Henschel-Wegmann train

The Henschel-Wegmann Train was an attempt to build a railcar-like high-speed steam-powered train based on the similar record-holder Borsig 05-002.


It consisted of the 61-001 4-6-4 type locomotive and four carriages and ran the Dresden-Berlin route in the mid-thirties until stopped in 1940 by the fighting of World War II. Even though an even more efficient streamlined 61-002 had been built, the disruption of the war brought an end to all German high-speed passenger service and record attempts to an end by 1942.




BORSIG  05-002


Deutsche Reichsbahn 4-6-4 Baureihe 05
(excluding cab-forward 05-003)

Built: 1935
Total weight including tender: 212 tons
Number Built: 2  (Numbers 05-001 and 05-002)
Fuel: Coal
Fire grate area: 50.5 sq ft
Cylinders: 3, 18" x 26"
Max hp: 3,400+
Driving Wheels: 90.6" diameter
Boiler Pressure: 290 psi
Withdrawn Rebuilt: 1950
Withdrawn: 1958, 05-001 preserved


In 1935, Borsig built a streamlined 4-6-4 type 05-002 which was one of two locomotives designed for high speed tests (predominantly by 05- 002), and a Berlin-Hamburg service.

During the period of 1935-1936 the 05-002 made an impressive number of fast runs, earning it the title of “The World’s Fastest Steam Train”. Authentic records of so many fast runs exist for no other steam locomotive anywhere. Nine times over 110 mph, five times over 115 mph and twice over 120 mph! And many runs at over 100 mph.


Finally, on May 11, 1936 on the Hamburg to Berlin run at Friesack 05-002 hit 200.4 km/h (124.5 mph) at 197 tons!


Despite it's record achievements, it was scrapped due to the war - sister locomotive 05-001 being retained for the German Railway Museum at Nürnberg.





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